Make sure your home is protected from debris, bugs, damage, and more with our selection of exterior repair and maintenance supplies. From the rooftop to the driveway or basement, we've got everything you need to keep your home in good condition.
What are the most common exterior repair and maintenance projects?
Repairing or replacing window and door screens is a very common project, and installing or repairing weatherstripping is another common project every year as the weather cools down. It's recommended to clean gutters and eavestroughs regularly to prevent clogging and leaking.
What items should I always have on hand for exterior home maintenance?
Work gloves are a must have to protect your hands while working. Other items depend on what maintenance work needs to be done, with different tools needed for repairing driveways or patching concrete. For work on the roof or eavestroughs, a sturdy extendable ladder is necessary.