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How to choose a trampoline

Adding a trampoline to your yard will not only win you a parent-of-the-year award, but also keep your kids happily active for hours on end. Find the one that’s right for you.

How to choose a Trampoline How to choose a Trampoline

Spring Trampolines

Classic trampolines with springs offer great value, have strong padding, and give you optimal bounce right in the centre of the mat. If you’re concerned about the safety of the springs, look for a model that has an enclosure on the inside of the springs, preventing any contact.

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Composite trampolines

Spring-less trampoline models have a hidden metal frame and unique flexible net rods that prevent injuries and maximize fun. These premium models have low maintenance features and durable construction, perfect for year-round backyard excitement.

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Backyard trampoline diameters range in size from about 6 feet up to 17 feet. They also require about 4 feet of lateral clearance, so make sure you choose one that will fit in your space and that there aren’t any trees obstructing the area. 


Depending on the bounce system and feature you’re looking for, the price range for trampolines can vary. Review the options in terms of type, size, and price point to find the one best for you. 

What’s your maximum weight requirement?

Spring trampolines are constructed to support a weight of about 200 – 250 lbs, whereas springless trampolines can handle up to 300 lbs. For maximum safety, one user is recommended for use at a time.


Add accessories to your trampoline

including the Springfree Flex Hoop net, Springfree Flex Step, Plum Step Ladder, and more. We also have replacement springs and nets for maintenance and safety.

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